
The thing is the younger generation does. The older generation’s only fault is they trusted the government. Some still do like my 80 something year old grandmother. They just can’t fathom the government would lie, the news would lie.

You are correct:) If only we all could see it for what it is. Some just can’t .

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Have faith more people, like yourself, of younger generations, see the world (with all its current machinations) perfectly clear; they’re just too busy doing in their own-time, what every preceding generation had to do in theirs, whatever it takes. 💪

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@Charlotte Pendragon I ran into one myself here and this is why I wrote this ..I will Thank them though for the inspiration :) I have seen it on many social sites. People like this are not critical thinkers. They just spew forth what they have heard.

You must hate old people. I get labeled a boomer myself lol . I have the audacity to take up for them.

I find it pretty funny that the same people who do this don’t want to be labeled themselves..I also notice they can’t debate with you in any coherent way just Boomer.

I don’t argue with them any longer. I love a good debate but they never ever give me one.

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I am 70 and I have run into this type of hate here many times on Substack. And unfortunately by some writers who I highly respected. Writers blaming boomers for their current dilemmas in life, so its refreshing to read your well compsed essay Aria. Thank you!

What I noticed in my younger days is the older generations are always blamed for the ills of society happening at the time. Always! Remember, your generation is next. Treat everybody with respect.

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Thanks for the article. My mom is a Baby Boomer, my Dad is a little older. I am a GenXer who works with Millenials and GenZ who show a strong dislike for over 50 yrs olds. We work healthcare so buckle up folks, it is a problem.

I was told by a male contract nurse a few years ago the younger generations were waiting for the old people to die off so they can inherit the world and run things how they prefer.... I was drinking coffee on a 15 minute break during orientation. Later on I realized my younger aged former manager has a dislike towards me that she hid all this time for being older and from another state she dislikes. She and the Administrator at the time made it clear to "not bring my Texan ways here". I am an older nurse dedicated to the care for the Human in the bed who is sick. I guess folks do not want that kinda thing anymore.

So folks need to realize the socially engineered hatred in society is inbound in many facets in work areas and should take caution...healthcare included.

Prayers for healing for everyone. I miss not living internet-free like in the 1980's when we were free as children and teens. Generation alpha needs help as well as GenZ. Say no tyranny.

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Well, I was young once and Boomers had the stupid saying of "don't trust anyone over 30." Utterly ridiculous. We got old, too...and Millenials and Gen. Z will also get OLD. No way around it. We are all arrogant when we think we are in power and undefeatable. Age bypasses NO ONE. Someday, each of us will need some kind of help and the seeds we plant will come back to help or haunt us. Trust me, this is true and painfully so. WEW

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Aria, well-done writing piece and very clear and concise! I am 71 and can see both sides. My parents lived through the Great Depression and WW2. I don't think any of us currently can imagine the dificulties of those two conflagrations. The Boomers were born from parents who simply wanted a "normal" life after WW2, have dignity and a family and not war and chaos. No one could blame them! None of us have any control over what generation we were born to, what color we are or male or female, or wealthy or poor. We take the gifts that God gives to each of us and use them to the best of our ability. I had some good things growing up but I also watched my Mother die overnight in 1966 when I was 13 and my brother die in Vietnam in 1968. Every single generation has to "bring it" and take one day at a time. Don't blame the messengers...make your own message. WEW

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I don't think anyone can blame a whole generation for anything. However, the structural changes that were made to society through farming practices, the medical industry, technology, and our social "systems" were put into place by people of that generation and their parents after WW2.

Just like today, the American people aren't to blame, it's the ruling class that makes decisions that have a downstream effect on future generations.

No blame, just an honest observation on how western civilization got to where we are today.

Blame is for folks who aren't willing to try to fix things.

Politicians are great at blame

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Aria, this is a well-written piece, and I have experienced and witnessed many of the things you wrote about. I belong to the "Woodstock Generation" and, of course, I am a "boomer."

To the best of my recollection, the early '60s were the most enjoyable years, followed by the tragic assassinations of JFK and several others. This was not a time when we could afford to be complacent.

My grandparents had a large family of 16 children and managed a 300-acre working farm. Although life was not always easy for my father and his siblings, they never went hungry. They had to deal with World War I and World War II, the Depression, the Korean War, and Vietnam.

Anyone who claims that older generations had an easy life is simply ignorant of history. The further back in time we go, the more challenging life generally was.

Our nation was built on the sacrifices and hard work of countless individuals.

Regrettably, the current state of affairs in our country is not particularly promising. When the U.S. Constitution was completed, Benjamin Franklin was asked about its significance. His response was, "Yes, we have created the U.S. Constitution, but will we be able to preserve it?"

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Honestly, I don't get this. I have asked this question to a number of people. Do people not realize they're all going to get old?? WTF is wrong with people. I have always had so much respect for older people (mostly). They have a lot of life lessons to share with us. There is a lot we can learn from them. And yet, we just see them as annoying and an inconvenience.

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Here in the UK we often blame today’s issues on the people who came before us which at first glance might be what we believe to be true until you break it down further and think it through. There are really a multitude of factors for the problems we face, that can’t really be pinned to any era.

Thanks for writing this. It appealed to a series of thoughts I’ve had over the years and I think has been magnified by that good old echo chamber, social media!!

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An excellent piece, best piece so far this week. I will translate it to German.

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Great post here, thanks Aria. I could rant for hours against the idiotic thought that earlier generations had it so much easier, but I won't, because it is a waste of time trying to win an argument that has no merit to begin with. A group named Mike and the Mechanics released a song in 1989 titled The Living Years. A superb song with an even better message. The best line sung by the great lead singer Paul Carrack states, "Every generation, blames the one before..." As someone already mentioned, guess what angry young people? You're next up to bat. Some of you will be blamed - by your own thankless, ignorant children. Others will have children intelligent enough to understand the differences in, and/or similarities of each generation. - Jim

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I can’t say I believe in everything that you mentioned but Still I thank you for fighting for what you believed in. Most will not do that. Maybe you are right they have used the scare tactic with SS too many times. They love to use fear.

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Truth and that is the point I really wanted to make. Instead of hating let’s sit down and see the similarities between all generations.

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**Comments of hate will not be allowed here . They will b deleted and you will b blocked.

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Yes! I forgot that song!! It was a beautiful song. I need to listen to it again. It’s been so long. It was something I felt compelled to write. I had seen it too many places even here. I think it was my last straw seeing it here.

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They seem to think so!

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